
2 attendees transfer pricing master class

$909.09 AUD
Approx $563.64 USD


Transfer Pricing 101 Master Class April 2016 - Sydney

Practical implications of the Australia’s new transfer pricing landscape

Australia’s transfer pricing landscape has experienced dramatic changes including new transfer pricing legislation and new transfer pricing rulings. Many companies have raised the need for training on transfer pricing;  Companies are interested to know what happens in the real word!

Transfer Pricing Solutions have designed a transfer pricing 101 master class that will provide participants guidance on preparing transfer pricing documentation to comply with transfer pricing requirements in accordance with the new laws including tips and traps of the International Dealings Schedule; be prepared to ‘roll-up’ your sleeves!

We will provide a master class package including slides, handouts with key tips and reference materials.

Masterclass Leader

Shannon Smit, Director at  Transfer Pricing Solutions, an independent specialist transfer pricing firm. Transfer Pricing Solutions is the winner of various national awards including the  ‘2015 Transfer Pricing Team of the Year’ - Thomson Reuters Tax and Accounting Excellence Awards.


8:30 Registration and Welcome Coffee

Session 1: 9:00 – 10:30: Introduction to Transfer Pricing

  • The legal framework overview
  • New requirements in TP documentation
  • The importance of transfer pricing documentation
  • Practical considerations in complying with the rules

10:30 Morning Break

Session 2: 11:00 – 12:30: Transfer Pricing Methods

  • Transfer Pricing methods for common transactions
  • Implementation vs. Documentation of transfer pricing methods
  • Misconceptions & errors in the application of methods
  • Analysing transaction types e.g. purchase and sale of raw materials, royalties, intra group finance etc.

12:30 Lunch

Session 3: 1:30 – 3:00: Documenting International Related Party Transactions

  • Commercial and financial relations
  • Relevant actual conditions
  • Comparability analysis
  • Structuring and preparing your documentation
  • Case studies / hands on exercise: Writing the company overview, industry analysis and economic analysis

3:00 Afternoon Tea

Session 4: 3:30 – 5:00: International Dealings Schedule

  • Tax agents and Public Officers Self-assessment responsibility
  • Tips & traps preparing the IDS

5:00 End of Workshop

Sydney, 33 Herbert Street, St Leonards NSW 2065


AU$750 (including GST) per participant
AU$1,000 (Including GST ) two participants from one company

Please RSVP by Friday 1 April  2016

For more information please contact Transfer Pricing Solutions on 03 5911 7001 or admin@transferpricingsolutions.com.au.